Created a weekly and monthly calendar for use on 4"x6" index cards. I'm using these to help keep track of the books I read, the books I review, correspondence and anything else I need to be reminded of !
I'm also working on these in
6 3/4" x 3 3/4" sizes which is a Day Runner size.
You can print directly to an index card. Click this → LINK ← to take you to the
folder. 💥💥📝Hope you can use them. 👌
I'm also working on these in
6 3/4" x 3 3/4" sizes which is a Day Runner size.
You can print directly to an index card. Click this → LINK ← to take you to the
folder. 💥💥📝Hope you can use them. 👌
Weekly Portrait
Weekly Landscape
Month Calendar
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